RomFw Ramdisk Tool v2.1.0.0 is a free application that permits users to carry out various tasks within an iOS device, for example, scanning the device, launching your device to iOS 15/16, setting the RAMdisk, backing up the passcode, reading owner’s information, activating the passcode making an activation to iOS 15/16, enabling hello to iOS 15/16, stopping the deletion of all data in iOS 15/16 and switching to in the mode of purple, choosing ports to load switching the SN, reset the factory, and repairing diagnostic recovery.
Features RomFw Ramdisk v2.1.0.0 tool:
- Test DeviceThis feature lets you verify the most basic details regarding your device, like the model number, serial number, and ECID.
- Boot Device iOS (15/16): This option lets you boot your device to iOS 15, 16, or 15.
- Ramdisk Full ResetThis method resets your RAMdisk in your device.
- Passcode BackupThis enabled users to back up the passcodes of their iDevice.
- Read Owner Information: This option lets you view your device’s owner details.
- Passcode Active: This option allows you to activate the passcode on your device.
Hello, Screen Options:
- Create an activation iOS (15/16): This option lets you make an activation to iOS 15, 16, or 15.
- Hello to activate iOS (15/16): This option lets you enable Hello to iOS on either 15 or 16.
- Block all Data iOS (15/16): This option blocks the erase of all data from iOS 15 and 16.
Purple Mode Options:
- Blue Mode: This option boots your device in purple mode.
- Select PortThis enabled users to choose the correct port connected to the computer.
- Load PortsThis option will load the ports of your device.
- Modify SN It allows users to alter the number of your device.
- Factory ResetThis feature resets your phone’s factory settings.
- Fix Diag recovery. This option will fix Diag recovery on your device.
Its RomFw Ramdisk v2.1.0.0 tool is a potent instrument that can execute various actions using the iOS device.
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